Henri Lebesgue

Henri Lon Lebesgue ForMemRS was a French mathematician most famous for his theory of integration, which was a generalization of the 17th century concept of integrationsumming the area between an axis and the curve of a function defined for that axis. His theory was published originally in his dissertation Intgrale, longueur, aire at the University of Nancy during 1902.

Henri Lebesgue was born onJune 1875 in Beauvais, Oise. Lebesgues father was a typesetter and his mother was a school teacher. His parents assembled at home a library that the young Henri was able to use. His father died of tuberculosis when Lebesgue was still very young and his mother had to support him by herself. As he showed a remarkable talent for mathematics in primary school, one of his instructors arranged for community support to continue his education at the Collge de Beauvais and then at Lyce SaintLouis and Lyce LouisleGrand in Paris.

Source: Wikipedia